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Millennials In Ministry

Millennials In Ministry is a weekly Instagram live talk show, hosted by Stephanie Alexis. The show invites Millennials of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and occupations to participate in a fun, interactive conversation.


Stephanie believes that everyone has a unique ministry, and it doesn't always look like standing behind a pulpit preaching to the masses. Sometimes our ministry is the path God has given us, that we’ve chosen to pursue with intentionality.


Millennials In Ministry takes place every Wednesday at 7:00 pm CST, on Instagram Live @stephaniealexisburrel. Stop by to watch Millennials who are changing the culture, for the kingdom share their knowledge and experiences.


If you are interested in being interviewed for the show please click the link below or send an email to


Watch past episodes under IGTV Tab on Instagram



© 2021 by Stephanie Alexis 

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